Gastric Bypass Surgery Amman and Gastric Bypass Surgery Dubai Package Comparison: Costs, Facilities and Patient Reviews

29 May 2024

Gastric bypass surgery has become an increasingly popular option for those seeking effective, long-term weight loss solutions. In Amman and Dubai, two reputed destinations for medical tourism, patients can access this life-changing procedure. Each location offers unique advantages, from costs to hospital facilities and post-operative care.

Amman is known for its competitive pricing and quality medical services. Patients often choose this location for the comprehensive packages that include pre-operative consultations, hospital stays, and follow-up visits. Dubai, on the other hand, is celebrated for its advanced medical technology and luxurious hospital environments catering to international patients.

Choosing between gastric bypass surgery in Amman and Dubai involves evaluating not just the cost, but also the level of medical care and post-operative support provided. Patients should consider factors such as surgeon expertise, hospital reputation, and board certifications to make an informed decision.

Understanding Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery involves making the stomach smaller to aid in weight loss. This reduces food intake and alters digestion. Various techniques are used, with some creating a small stomach pouch, while others reroute the digestive tract.

The Process and Techniques

Gastric bypass surgery typically involves making the stomach smaller. Surgeons often use laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, a minimally invasive technique, to create a small stomach pouch. This method promotes quicker recovery and fewer complications than traditional open surgery.

Patients with a gastric bypass procedure usually experience significant weight loss. This is due to the restricted intake and nutrient absorption changes. Procedures like the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass involve stapling the stomach to form a small pouch and connecting it to the small intestine.

Types of Gastric Bypass Procedures

Several types of gastric bypass procedures exist. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one of the most common. It reduces the stomach size and redirects the small intestine.

Another procedure, the Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery, involves small incisions and the use of a camera for guidance. This technique is less invasive and can reduce the risk of complications.

Sleeve Gastrectomy or gastric sleeve surgery is another option. It involves removing a large portion of the stomach, leaving a narrow tube or sleeve. This reduces the stomach’s ability to hold food.

Each type of surgery has specific benefits and is chosen based on individual health needs and conditions.

Health Benefits and Weight Loss Goals

Gastric bypass surgery offers significant improvements in both weight loss and various obesity-related conditions. These benefits extend beyond simply reducing body weight and can lead to enhanced overall health and well-being.

Impact on Obesity-Related Conditions

Gastric bypass surgery can significantly impact several serious obesity-related health conditions. Patients often experience a reduction in type 2 diabetes symptoms and, in many cases, complete remission. This surgery can also help lower high blood pressure and reduce high cholesterol levels, providing a better cardiovascular health profile.

In terms of obstructive sleep apnoea, many patients find relief post-surgery, allowing for better sleep quality. Additionally, women dealing with obesity-related infertility issues may see improvements in their reproductive health. The overall reduction in conditions related to excess body weight makes gastric bypass a beneficial option for those struggling with severe obesity.

Expected Weight Loss Outcomes

Patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery typically achieve significant and sustained weight loss. On average, individuals can expect to lose about 60-80% of their excess body weight within the first 12-18 months post-surgery. This rapid reduction is crucial for improving health outcomes and reducing BMI to healthier levels.

The surgery aids in maintaining long-term weight loss by altering the digestive system, making it harder to consume and absorb large amounts of food, leading to a decrease in caloric intake. This sustained weight loss helps to maintain the improvements in health conditions like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Surgery in Amman vs Dubai: An Overview

Amman and Dubai offer compelling options for gastric bypass surgery, each with unique advantages in quality of care, surgical expertise, and cultural considerations.

Quality of Care

Amman is known for its high-quality healthcare services, with several hospitals accredited by international bodies. Patients often receive personalised care, and the medical staff typically maintain a compassionate approach.

In Dubai, the quality of care is also exceptional, with many hospitals meeting or exceeding international standards. State-of-the-art technology and a focus on luxury services enhance the patient’s experience. Dubai’s hospitals often prioritise patient comfort and offer comprehensive post-operative support.

Surgical Expertise and Hospital Facilities

Amman boasts a number of highly skilled bariatric surgeons renowned for their expertise in gastric bypass surgeries. Hospitals in Amman are well-equipped with modern surgical facilities, ensuring high success rates for bariatric procedures.

Dubai, on the other hand, attracts renowned bariatric surgeons from around the globe. Many clinics and hospitals are equipped with cutting-edge technology, offering advanced surgical procedures. The infrastructure in Dubai’s hospitals often includes luxurious amenities, aimed at providing a seamless and comfortable experience for patients.

Cultural and Language Considerations

In Amman, patients can expect a respectful and accommodating cultural environment. Many healthcare professionals are bilingual, often fluent in Arabic and English, which helps bridge any communication gaps.

Dubai, being a cosmopolitan city, attracts a diverse patient population and healthcare workforce. English is widely spoken, and there is a higher likelihood of multilingual staff who can cater to various linguistic needs. The cultural diversity in Dubai hospitals provides an inclusive atmosphere for international patients.

Overall, choosing between Amman and Dubai for gastric bypass surgery involves considering these factors to determine the best fit for the patient’s needs and preferences.

Preparing for the Surgery

To ensure a successful gastric bypass surgery, both physical preparation and proper medical consultations are vital. The patient needs to make specific diet and lifestyle adjustments and undergo a thorough preoperative consultation and evaluation to determine their suitability for the procedure.

Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments

Patients must commit to significant dietary changes prior to surgery. They are typically required to adopt a low-calorie diet to reduce liver size, which can facilitate a smoother surgical process.

High-protein and low-sugar foods are emphasised to maintain nutrition while minimising calorie intake. A list of suggested foods might include lean meats, eggs, and non-starchy vegetables.

Increased physical activity is often recommended to improve overall health and reduce surgical risks. Regular exercise routines could include activities like walking, swimming, or biking, tailored to the patient’s abilities.

Preoperative Consultation and Evaluation

Patients undergo a comprehensive preoperative consultation, which includes a thorough medical and nutritional evaluation. During this consultation, the surgeon reviews the patient’s medical history, including any existing health problems that could affect surgery.

A detailed assessment of the patient’s suitability for gastric bypass is performed, potentially involving lab tests, chest X-rays, and ECGs. This is designed to ensure the patient is physically prepared for surgery and to identify any risk factors.

Psychological assessments may also be conducted to understand the patient’s mental readiness and ability to commit to the necessary lifestyle changes post-surgery. The insights from these evaluations play a crucial role in crafting a personalised surgery plan.

The Surgical Experience

Patients considering gastric bypass surgery in Amman and Dubai need to understand the details of the surgery itself, including the specific steps taken and what they can expect during the procedure.

Anesthesia and Operating Protocols

Anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient remains unconscious and pain-free during the operation. In both Amman and Dubai, general anaesthesia is commonly used. This induces a state of deep sleep, preventing pain and discomfort.

In terms of operating protocols, surgeons in both cities follow strict guidelines to minimise risks. Small incisions are typically made to reduce recovery time and scarring. Medication is administered to manage pain and prevent infection. With expert teams and modern facilities, these cities offer comparable quality in surgical care.

During the Procedure

The procedure starts with small incisions, through which surgical instruments are inserted. The surgeon staples the stomach to create a small pouch, reducing its size. This step restricts food intake and promotes weight loss.

Next, the small intestine is divided, and a portion is connected to the new stomach pouch. This bypasses a significant section of the small intestine, decreasing calorie absorption. The hospital stay post-surgery usually spans a few days to monitor recovery and manage pain effectively. Throughout the hospitalisation, vital signs and incision sites are closely monitored to prevent complications. The goal is to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal long-term outcomes for the patient.

Post-Surgery Recovery Process

Recovery after gastric bypass surgery is crucial and involves various stages. Patients experience different challenges and health issues which require specific post-operative care, making it essential to understand both immediate and long-term recovery needs.

Initial Recovery Phase

Immediately after surgery, patients typically stay in the hospital for 2-3 days. This period involves close monitoring to manage pain, nausea, and any complications. Pain relief and anti-nausea medications are often administered to help the patient.

Patients may experience symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea, which are managed with dietary adjustments. Hydration and gradual reintroduction of liquid and soft foods are crucial. Medical staff provide guidance on diet and physical activity to begin rebuilding strength.

It’s essential for patients to follow strict post-operative care instructions to avoid complications like infections or dumping syndrome, a condition that can result from rapid gastric emptying.

Long-Term Healing

Long-term healing involves lifestyle changes and regular follow-up appointments. Patients must adopt a healthy diet and exercise regimen to maintain weight loss and overall health.

Regular meals, rich in proteins and low in sugars and fats, are necessary to prevent dumping syndrome. They must take prescribed vitamin and mineral supplements to avoid deficiencies due to reduced nutrient absorption.

Continuous medical check-ups help track progress and address any health issues. Adhering to medical advice and maintaining a lifelong commitment to healthy lifestyle choices is critical for successful recovery and long-term well-being.

Dietary Changes After Surgery

Post-surgery, adjusting to a new diet is crucial for recovery and long-term success. Patients need to manage nutrient intake and adopt new eating patterns to avoid complications and ensure proper nourishment.

Managing Nutrient Intake

Gastric bypass surgery significantly reduces the size of the stomach, limiting the amount of food it can hold. This results in a lower intake of calories and nutrients. Patients need to focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Common nutrient concerns include protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins such as B12 and D. Protein is essential for healing and maintaining muscle mass. Incorporating lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins like beans and lentils is important. Iron can be found in red meat, fortified cereals, and leafy greens, while calcium is best sourced from dairy products or supplements.

Given the reduced ability to absorb certain nutrients, patients often require vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent deficiencies. Regular blood tests to monitor nutrient levels are advisable to adjust supplement intake as needed.

Adapting to a New Eating Pattern

Adapting to new eating habits is necessary post-surgery. Smaller, more frequent meals help manage satiety and prevent overeating. Typically, six small meals a day are recommended. Each meal should be balanced, focusing on protein and avoiding high-sugar and high-fat foods that can cause digestive issues.

Patients must chew food thoroughly and eat slowly to facilitate digestion and reduce the risk of complications like dumping syndrome, which causes uncomfortable symptoms when sugar enters the small intestine too quickly.

Hydration is critical, but patients should avoid drinking fluids 30 minutes before and after meals to prevent filling the stomach and causing discomfort. Over time, they may notice changes in gut hormones such as ghrelin, which regulates appetite, leading to improved satiety and reduced hunger.

Potential Risks and Complications

Gastric bypass surgery, while effective, carries immediate surgical risks and potential long-term health issues for patients undergoing the procedure in Amman or Dubai.

Immediate Surgical Risks

Immediate risks include complications that arise during or soon after the surgery. Bleeding is a significant concern, requiring careful monitoring. There is also a risk of infection at the site where the surgery is performed. Anaesthesia can present risks, including reactions to the medication used during the procedure.

Further potential complications include blood clots that can lead to conditions such as a stroke. Leaks at the surgical joins in the stomach and intestines need to be closely monitored, as they can cause severe infections and necessitate additional surgeries. Breathing problems can also arise due to anaesthesia or other factors during surgery.

Long-term Health Considerations

Long-term, patients may experience health issues related to nutritional deficiencies due to reduced nutrient absorption. Vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, and B12 are commonly insufficient, requiring lifelong supplements. Dumping syndrome is a common issue, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea after eating certain foods.

Weight regain is a possibility if dietary guidelines are not followed. Patients may also face potential intestinal obstructions or hernias resulting from the surgery. Gallstones can develop due to rapid weight loss, and there is a risk of ulcers in the stomach or small intestine. Emotional and psychological impacts should also be considered, as they can affect overall health and recovery.

Financial Aspects and Insurance

Gastric bypass surgery can vary significantly in cost between Amman and Dubai. Insurance coverage also varies, influencing patient out-of-pocket expenses.

Cost Comparison Between Amman and Dubai

In Amman, the cost for gastric bypass surgery ranges from £5,000 to £8,000. This includes surgeon fees, hospital stay, medications, and consumables.

In Dubai, the cost is generally higher, ranging from £8,000 to £12,000. The higher cost reflects the premium healthcare infrastructure and advanced facilities available.


  • Surgeon fees: £2,000 to £3,500
  • Hospital stay: £1,500 to £3,000
  • Medications and consumables: £1,500*


  • Surgeon fees: £4,000 to £5,500
  • Hospital stay: £2,000 to £4,000
  • Medications and consumables: £2,000*

Insurance Coverage and Payment Options

Insurance coverage for bariatric surgeries, including gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, varies by provider and plan. In Amman, some insurance policies cover up to 70% of the treatment costs, especially if the surgery is deemed medically necessary.

In Dubai, insurance coverage is more comprehensive, often covering up to 90% of the treatment costs. Nevertheless, patients should verify coverage specifics with their insurance provider. Some insurance plans may have exclusions or require pre-approval for coverage.

Common payment options include:

  • Private health insurance
  • Personal savings
  • Medical loans
  • Hospital financing plans

It’s advisable to consult directly with healthcare providers and insurers to understand the specific costs and coverage available.

Lifestyle and Support Post-Surgery

Individuals who have undergone gastric bypass surgery need to adopt significant lifestyle changes and access consistent support to maintain successful long-term results. Key points include the importance of joining support groups and making a lifelong commitment to new dietary and exercise habits.

Importance of Support Groups

Support groups play a critical role by offering emotional backing, information sharing, and motivation. They provide a safe space to discuss challenges and successes. These groups often consist of peers who have undergone similar procedures, creating a sense of community and understanding.

Participation in support groups can significantly enhance mental well-being. Many hospitals and clinics offer such groups, both in-person and online. Meeting regularly can help keep individuals focused on their weight loss goals and provide practical advice on diet and nutrition. Increased social support is linked to better post-surgical outcomes.

Maintaining Results Through Lifestyle

Maintaining results post-surgery requires a lifelong commitment to healthier living. Adopting a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients is vital. Patients should focus on consuming lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Smaller, more frequent meals help manage portion control.

Exercise is another cornerstone of sustaining weight loss. A structured exercise plan including both aerobic and strength training activities should be integrated into daily routines. This not only aids in burning calories but also improves muscle tone and overall health.

Regular check-ups with healthcare providers ensure that the patient’s health markers are monitored and nutritional deficiencies are addressed. Consistency and dedication to these new habits determine the long-term success of the surgery.


Gastric bypass surgery in Amman and Dubai offers significant health benefits. Both cities provide high-quality medical care and experienced professionals.

Benefits in Amman

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Amman is known for more affordable surgical packages.
  • Quality Care: Many reputable hospitals and healthcare providers.

Benefits in Dubai

  • Advanced Facilities: Dubai boasts state-of-the-art medical technology.
  • Comprehensive Packages: There are luxury care options and tailored post-surgery plans.

Key Points to Consider

  • Long-Term Weight Loss: Both locations aim to deliver sustainable weight loss and improve obesity-related health conditions.
  • Quality of Life Enhancements: Access to dedicated support teams can enhance post-surgery recovery and long-term lifestyle changes.

Patients should assess their personal health goals and financial considerations when choosing between Amman and Dubai for gastric bypass surgery. Their choice will impact their overall treatment experience and recovery journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gastric bypass surgery packages in Amman and Dubai present differences in costs, services, and surgeon qualifications. This section elaborates on these distinctions to help patients make informed decisions.

What are the cost differences between gastric bypass surgery in Amman and Dubai?

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in Amman is often lower compared to Dubai. Patients may find that package deals in Amman include hospital fees, surgeon fees, and other related expenses at a more budget-friendly rate.

Which package offers more comprehensive services for bariatric surgery, Amman or Dubai?

Dubai packages typically offer a broader range of services, including pre-operative consultations, extensive post-operative follow-ups, and additional wellness programmes. Amman also provides comprehensive care, but the extent and variety might be less compared to Dubai.

What post-operative support can patients expect with gastric bypass surgery packages in Dubai?

Patients in Dubai can expect extensive post-operative support, including regular check-ups, dietary consultations, and access to support groups. This holistic approach ensures that patients receive continuous care throughout their recovery process.

Are there any significant differences in the qualifications of surgeons performing gastric bypass in Amman compared to those in Dubai?

Surgeons in both Amman and Dubai are highly qualified. Many have undergone international training and hold certifications from recognised medical boards. However, Dubai may boast a higher number of surgeons with specialised experience in bariatric surgery.

How do the success rates of gastric bypass surgeries in Amman and Dubai compare?

Success rates for gastric bypass surgery are generally high in both Amman and Dubai. Both cities have medical facilities with advanced surgical technology and well-trained medical teams, contributing to positive patient outcomes.

What are the inclusive components of gastric bypass surgery packages in Dubai in terms of pre-operative and post-operative care?

Dubai gastric bypass packages often include comprehensive pre-operative assessments, personalised treatment plans, and thorough post-operative care. This includes regular monitoring, nutritional support, and access to physiotherapy services to aid in the patient’s recovery.